Sunday, August 26, 2007

Chicken-on-a-stick, maybe

A friend once explained to me that if you wanted to sell food at a fair, put it on a stick. There are plenty of choices there as well, including: candy apples, shish-ka-bobs, chicken, steak and corndogs.

In Springfield IL now, they are planning to have "breakfast on a stick." Visions of mini donuts lined up on a stick, possibly a chocolate covered waffle or maybe a muffin skewered by a stick ran through my mind. The Illinois State Fair's newest culinary contest though, requires mixing one egg with any other ingredients and putting it on a stick.

Now I might take the "easy" way out and stuff a hardboiled egg carefully on the stick and maybe add a creative touch of sausage balls on either side of it. In comparison to the winning entries, I would be left far behind in the dust. The state's agriculture department and the American Egg Board chose two entries for first prize on Saturday, August 18 2007.

Beverly Cutler's "sensational sunrise dippers" which consisted of sausage, egg and cheese, wrapped with a bisquit and served with a side of gravy shared the top prize with Anthony Karas's entry. His creation was made from buttermilk crepes wrapped in bacon and I'm not sure where the egg was in his recipe.

It took Rachael Eden in the junior division to create a more healthy breakfast stick. Her winning entry included curry, snow peas, bean sprouts and eggs, wrapped in a won ton wrapper. Karen Fraase, a marketing representitive for the department of agriculture, stated that the entries were judged according to taste, creativity and ease of preparation.

The winnng adult stick breakfasts will enjoy the local spotlight as well, Cutler's will be available in the Illinois Department of Agriculture tent at the 2008 fair while Karas's stick will be available at local restaurants. Nothing was said about the junior winners creation, which is quite alright with me, I am still trying to grasp how it could have been chosen as a "yummy" breakfast.

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