Tuesday, August 14, 2007

You made it too easy

The employees at the Hillsborough sheriff's office in Tampa FL caught a very fortunate break the other week. It seems that Amanda L Bailey, 41, couldn't have picked a better t-shirt to be arrested in.

Bailey, a dealer at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Tampa, was stopped July 31 2007 by the sheriff's department. She was arrested and charged with driving under the influence and driving with a cancelled, suspended or revoked license. This was also her second DUI arrest in three months.

Her t-shirt I think, may have made the sheriff's case a very simple one and they made sure that it was included entirely in her booking photo. At least now it will be a bit easier to identify her "problem" when she goes to court, since the shirt was very clear in saying "I'm not an alchoholic, I'm a drunk. Alchoholics go to meetings."

I am wondering though, would she have been better off wearing one that stated "Good cop, here's a donut?"

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