Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Born free

It's not the "Thrilla in Manilla" but the video shot by Dave Budzinski and posted on YouTube has become one of the hottest uploads in web history that doesn't include a naked famous person or politicians with "foot in mouth" disease. The over 8 minute clip shot in Krugar National Park in South Africa plays out as a three-act action thriller that could rival any of Superman's film feats.

Act one begins with the wiley lions waiting for their next meal to wander close. They pounce and grab a baby cape buffalo which usually is about the end of the story there as the herd scatters and runs. It isn't an instant take-down as the baby struggles to get free and backs part way into the water. Then it turns into an illegal tag-team move as a pair of crocodiles grab his rear legs.

Act two continues to follow the valient struggles of our little meal on the go buffalo as the law of averages put it's chances at 40% on becoming the loser in a tug of war for dinner. It is no surprise that the herd has left the baby to fight on it's own and save their own hide with those kinds of numbers.

As we are still on the edge of our seats, popcorn in hand, cheering on the David and Goliath battle, the baby has managed to free it's legs but still has the lions clinging to it's neck...... determined to make him a meal. In the distance you can almost hear the music start to play and then a group of adult cape buffalos, storm into the scene and drive off the lions, freeing the baby.

We are left with the image of the herd making off into the distance, baby in tow. His legs aren't broken and he isn't bleeding terribly so in our "disney mindset", baby is off into the sunset where it will grow up to be a wise and highly influential member of the cape buffalo community. As with all superhero stories........ don't mess with the baby or you mess with the whole herd sometimes.

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