Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is the day that families drive miles, fly, sail or walk if they have to in order to spend the day as a family and give thanks that they are given that chance one more year.

While gathered around whatever dishes, lovingly cooked ......... most give thanks for family and possible for what the holiday was intended to be. Thanks for a bountiful harvest to set upon the table.

I would like to give thanks for the freedom sought by those who founded our country.................

Our nations abundance even in times that are lean.............

The promise of future harvests, one that will only be reaped if the seeds are planted and tended with diligence...............

And remember those who came before me to guide me to a better future........

Remember all those who have touched my life, however lightly and brought me joy and those who I may not have that chance again with.

Cherish the moments this day brings, the memories it tucks into our hearts.

Dig in and pass to the left!

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