Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Pull over.... ooops, nevermind

An off-duty New York police detective was driving along a highway on Long Island NY, July 10 2007, when he spotted the flashing lights. Approaching from behind was an SUV fitted with flashing lights, that slowly drove alongside him.

The detective got suspicious when the driver identified himself as a police officer and flashed a small badge at him. The detective showed the driver his own police ID and ordered the driver to pull over. When the driver didn't pull over, the detective followed him and called the local police to make the arrest.

Robert Lane, 25, was then arrested and charged with criminal impersonation and aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle by Suffolk County police. Lane said that the detective had cut him off while he was driving.

Lane could not be reached for comment, but then, what could he comment about? It definately isn't your day when you want to "play" cop and pick a real cop to do it with.

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