Saturday, January 19, 2008

Daily double

It would seem that "hitting the daily double" is a good thing most times, at least on some game shows and at the track. Unfortunately, some people have found that it is far from lucky when they do it.

Stacie Warren, 31, of Lyndonville VT found that out recently for herself. According to Vermont State police Trooper Callie Field, Warren had been arrested for bigamy in 2007. That would involve her marrying one man and then moving out on him to marry another shortly afterwards. She evidently didn't pass go and get a divorce or $200 before she married the second man though.

Both she and her second husband were charged with bigamy because it seems, he also forgot to get divorced before he married Warren. Just last week though, Warren was hit with a second charge of bigamy. According to Field, she went out and married Fred Gray in 2007, just two months after she was charged the first time.

Field added that neither of Warren's first two husband seemed to care either way after they learned of the bigamy. She pleaded guilty in the 2007 case and faces up five years in prison for the felony bigamy charge. It would seem that Warren may have thought that double or nothing was a fairly good rule in marriage, as well as her second husband.

The Pullman WA police a WSU student this week for his successful attempt at a daily double as well. The 20 year-old student was arrested along with two others while smoking marijuana in a parking lot.

They were fingerprinted, cited and released shortly after midnight. Less than two hours later, an officer saw three men passing around a pipe in a pickup truck and arrested them. One was the same WSU student arrested earlier, although this time, they were charged with possession of marijuana.

The local police commander stated that he hoped that the student isn't kicked out of WSU, since it is apparent that he needs more education. It seems to me that there is an almost mystic connection with the number two and police arrests in these cases...... or maybe they just have 2 as their "lucky" number.

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