Saturday, August 4, 2007

Only 30 feet?

Friday, August 3 2007, Jack McClellan was not in court to hear Superior Court Judge Melvin Sandvig issue an temporary restraining order against him. For years he has maintained a Web site where he posted pictures he had taken of children in public places. He also discussed how he liked to stake out parks, public libraries, fast-food restaurants and other areas where little girls congregated.

McClellan, who is unemployed and living in his car, caused more than a small stir when arrived in Southern California a few weeks from Washington state. He was ordered Friday to stay at least 30 feet away from every person under age 18 in California. A hearing is also schedualed for August 24 to discuss the restraining order further.

The self-described pedophile says that he is attracted to young girls but he doesn't actually molest them. McClellan's server took down his Web site a month ago and he wasn't sure if he would to try and put it back up again....... just as he wasn't sure if he could keep from "crossing the line" with a little girl at some point in the future.

While some, including McClellan, may feel that the restraining order is an unconstitutional restriction of his rights, I think it is a good idea for a first step against him. He has loudly proclaimed his sexual interests and he has also stated that he can't be sure he would never molest a child. Just the fact that he is willing to announce his interests makes me think that 30 feet isn't far enough for this man, unless there is a set of iron bars between them.

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